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HR 21-01-1959, NJ 1959, 43 Forum-bank
HR 05-11-1976, NJ 1977, 586 Moret Gudde Brinkman
HR 17-12-1982, NJ 1983, 480 Bibolini
HR 20-10-1989, NJ 1990, 308 Ellem Beheer BV
HR 10-01-1990, NJ 1990, 466 OGEM
HR 09-07-1990, NJ 1991, 51 Sluis
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HR 03-04-1992, NJ 1992, 411 Van der Vliet
HR 13-11-1992, NJ 1993, 265 Levison
HR 26-01-1994, NJ 1994, 545 Heuga Holding
HR 10-03-1995, NJ 1995, 595 Janssen Pers
HR 24-03-2000, NJ 2000, 354 Wachtkamertelevisie